Yesterday, I invited my friend and business coach, Winn Clark, to go Live with me on Instagram to talk about how we can support ourselves during challenging times. Winn graciously compiled a list of resources and tips that I’ve shared below. With so much uncertainty in times like this, taking care of ourselves has never been more important. Thank you for your contribution, Winn- your work has helped me transform my life, and I’m hopeful the below will be a great resource for those who need it.
- Britt (March 27th, 2020)
Self Care Non-Negotiables. It's important to get back to the basics of what we need to feel good, especially during stressful times - think sleep, exercise, meditation, journaling, etc. This is different for each of us, so identify the essential things that you need to do.
We love The Chopra Center to help ground a daily meditation practice. Deepak Chopra is a master at inspiring guided meditations. He's teamed up with Oprah for a free series happening now: Oprah and Deepak Meditation Series: Hope in Uncertain Times as well as an evergreen Abundance Series: Creating Abundance.
Starting your day with intention should not be overlooked. A journal to begin your morning with gratitude, to write and review your goals, and ensuring that you're schedule is aligned with them, helps set the tone for the whole day. There are lots of great journals out there, one we love is: The Self Journal
Some other things to keep in mind during this time:
Limit news consumption. If you've always been a news junkie or have become one recently, limit yourself to only checking the news a limited number of times a day. Schedule these short news breaks (morning and night, or once a day at midday). If you find the news troubling, try to get a few hours of work in before you check the news or only check when your work day is over.
Limit social media. Like the news, you may want to limit your usage to avoid getting sucked into the drama. Ideas include deleting some of your social media apps from your phone so you're less likely to check, having days of the week where you just don't check, or getting off of some social media platforms altogether. Schedule the times of the day when you'll check and limit the amount of time. (Note from Britt- some days, I delete the Instragram App off my phone entirely, other days I move the app around so clicking on it is less second nature.)
Adjusting to working from home. If you're transitioning to working from home expect that it will take a little time to adjust to this. Experiment with time blocking where you schedule your day and have each hour or half an hour of your day accounted for. This way at the start of the day, you can look at your calendar and know what's planned. Aside from work, block off time for non-work activities such as exercise, family time, socializing as well. To learn more about time blocking, reducing social media use, and being more focused and productive, check out: The work of Cal Newport, including his books, Deep Work and Digital Minimalism
Stay connected. Humans are social creatures and all of us need some time with others. Use Zoom or other video conferencing services and schedule time with others. For work you can organize co-working sessions where everyone is working together from various locations. You can also use technology to have virtual lunches, happy hours, coffee breaks, workouts,etc. to find ways to do the things you'd normally do together.
Learn something new. There's probably something you've been wanting to learn more about but haven't found the time. Now you've got the time so check out Skillshare, Udemy, Creative Live or other learning platforms to get started.
Use the resources available to you. business owners should visit the Small Business Administration to learn more about the funding programs such as loans and grants that are being made available during this time.
Sending all of our love to everyone during this time.